Driving with a care for others on the road will make the ride a peaceful & safe one for yourself and as well as others. We are not signal-abiding citizens but constable-abiding citizens. Even when the signal is RED, we see if the traffic constable is present. If not, we proceed to go ahead. We don?t even realize that we are breaking rules. The whole idea of a traffic signal is to prevent traffic. We are ready to break the law just because we hate to wait for a minute, sometimes even less. A one more reason for careless driver is our Indian law do not help accident victim and the victim has loose in most of cases not the driver.
All these drivers are in so much of a hurry to reach their destinations that they could not care less for safety of pedestrians and other drivers. Similarly, when we are driving towards the signal and we see it in YELLOW, we accelerate to cross the signal before it turns RED. This is sure to cause of many accidents. we ever seen speed limits on the road? There are speed limits for every road and there are signs indicating this somewhere on the side of the road. We need to make sure that we are aware of these things.
Though we have read this in our elementary classes, somewhere during our growing up years, we have forgotten it. Try to look for speed limits and try to follow them as much as possible. Speed thrill but kills . Try to cross the roads considering the drivers coming at high speed for your own safety and to avoid accidents. Try to follow the lane and think 10 times before crossing from one lane to another.
The same things happen with parking, it is so randomly parked in many of street and also the Street vendors and retail shop keeper covers the footpath and parking. Drivers of two wheeler and four wheeler do not bother to park their vehicle on the road. Corrupted police and corrupted traffic police both are also responsible for such terrible parking.
If you have car or planning buy one, don't forget to buy a parking in your Apartment and don't feel bad if somebody scratch your car on busy street.
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